Staten Island Parks

Staten Island is regarded as the “Borough of Parks” because we have the most area of parks in all of NYC. With 9,300 acres of diverse landscapes such as beach front and forest parks Staten Island offers a wide range of recreational opportunity. Even home to a Federal Park, Gateway National Recreation Area stretches from Mid-Island in Great Kills to the North Shore at Fort Wadsworth. Fort Wadsworth is home to one of NYC’s best preserved Civil War era forts and has spectacular views of the Verrazano Bridge. Five minutes south from Fort Wadsworth is South Beach and Midland Beach. These beaches span hundreds of yards in length on the Staten Island coast with an adjacent boardwalk are similar to the beaches at Coney Island but with a more private feel to them. Another ten minutes south and you're at Miller Filed in new Drop. Miller Filer was built in 1921 by the United States Army and at the time was the only costal defense air station in the eastern United States. Used by the Coast guard as an airbase until 1969, the hangers and control tower can still be seen today. Now a part of gateway National Recreation Area Miller Field has multiple baseball and soccer fields. Further south in Staten Islands Huguenot neighborhood is Wolfe’s Pond Park. Wolfe’s Pond includes tennis and basketball courts, a large filed where local tag football teams host games, a large pond, forest walking trails, beach trails, and a dog park with an ocean view. Two parks on the North Shore that provide boating rentals is Clove Lakes Park and Willowbrook Park. Willowbrook Park is also home to Staten Islands only Carousel and free outdoor archery range.


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